Truth of Behind The Escort Service
The escort perspective piqued our interest since it provides distinct insights into men’s behavior and aspirations without requiring the pretense or affection found in dating or partnerships. In light of this, we conducted interviews with professional escorts and a former independent Delhi escort in an effort to learn more about the reasons behind men using them. Experts we spoke with offered some fascinating viewpoints on men, dating, and sex that shed light on this sometimes misunderstood sector.
Q.1 -: What is the main reason that guys look for escort services?
A.1-: In my experience, the majority of men who employ escorts are seeking some sort of fantasy, be it companionship or sex. The allure for a lot of people is being able to temporarily escape the pressures of their personal and work lives. They yearn for the sensation of commanding the conditions of their relationship with an escort in order to fulfill their fantasies.
Q.2-: What do you mean when you say “fantasy”?
A.2-: Although men who employ escorts come from a variety of backgrounds, they all have the desire to feel appealing and wanted. Many of my customers were in serious relationships or were married, and they all wanted to get away from the humdrum and ordinary parts of life. They can temporarily escape reality and feel like the center of attention while they are with an escort.
Q.3-: Did you learn anything about the reasons for men’s desire to hire escorts in committed relationships?
A.3-: I have, indeed. While some men believe they deserve to indulge in their fantasy because they have given so much to others, others feel entitled and will never be faithful to their relationship. Whatever the cause, men’s behavior is frequently motivated by their own desires and is self-centered.
When I discovered that the escort industry in Delhi consisted of much more than just personal services, I was shocked. The connection and camaraderie that escort services offered was the main reason why many men sought them out. As a former self-employed Delhi escort, the girlfriend experience—which entailed helping and listening to clients navigate their emotional and personal struggles—was the most frequently requested service. This finding underscores the fact that people frequently look to escort services in order to experience closeness, emotional connection, and physical fulfillment.